Photography by Jade Starmore

The Museum of Forgotten Costume

Fashion no longer requires fabric - it has transcended the outer layer and lies directly on the skin. The idealised robotic bodies of the future do not feel the cold, so perfect, ageless skin is now the canvas of the designer. The most cutting edge fashionistas display the very latest features, which are discarded once the season ends. Imitation is dangerous; only the best will do. For those who have been careless and tried out inferior products, repair is not always possible. They hide themselves away in the Museum of Forgotten Costume, where few will venture. There they slowly crumble, alongside the once sought-after apparel of a distant age.


Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore
Photography by Jade Starmore